Fall MAP Administration: September 19 - October 20 - Grades 1 - 5

Mon, 09/19/2022 - 12:46pm

Dear 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Families,

MAP Assessment Fall Administration - Window: September 19 - Oct 20, 2022

During the dates of September 19th - October 20th, students in grades 1-5 will take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. The data from the MAP assessment will help schools and teachers measure your student’s academic progress. The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly.  To learn more about the MAP assessment, please visit: https://www.nwea.org/the-map-suite/common-questions-families/ 

All students in grades 1 - 5 will take a reading and math MAP assessment. Here are the schedules for Grades 1 - 5 for both reading and math.

Grade 1: 9/21 (Math) + 10/6 (Reading)

Grade 2: 10/4 (Reading) + 10/13 (Math)

Grade 3: 9/30 (Reading) + 10/12 (Math)

Grade 4: 9/29 (Reading) + 10/11 (Math)

Grade 5: 9/28 (Reading) + 10/10 (Math)

 It is very important that students are present during these sessions. Please avoid scheduling appointments or other conflicts during these times, as the testing window is limited. 

Helpful Questions & Answers: 

What is the MAP assessment and how can it help teachers learn more about my child?

  • MAP is a computer-adaptive test that can only be taken on the computer.   It adapts to each individual student.  As students answer questions correctly, the questions increase in difficulty.  If the students answer questions incorrectly then the difficulty of the questions decrease. 

  • The test will adjust to the student’s academic level and provide teachers with data to guide their instruction in both reading and mathematics.  

  • The data from this MAP assessment will be used as a tool to help your child’s teachers measure where your child is starting the year academically.

  • The MAP assessment does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly.   

  • HCPSS intends to give this assessment in the winter and spring to measure how your child’s learning is progressing throughout the year. 

I’d like more information about MAP. Where can I learn more about the assessment?

Mensaje en espanol: 

Estimados padres de estudiantes en 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º, y 5º grados, 

El examen de MAP viene durante el 19 de septiembre y el 20 de octubre. 

Durante las fechas del 19 de septiembre y el 20 de octubre, estudiantes en grados 1º - 5º tomarán el examen de MAP (Medidas de Progreso Académico). Los resultados de la prueba se utilizan al planificar la instrucción de su hijo y determinar las áreas de necesidad académica.

Todos los estudiantes de 1º - 5º sacarán el examen en las clases de lectura y matemáticas. El horario para cada grado es: 

1º: 9/21 (Matemáticas) + 10/6 (Lectura)

2º: 10/4 (Lectura) + 10/13 (Matemáticas)

3º: 9/30 (Lectura) + 10/12 (Matemáticas)

4º: 9/29 (Lectura) + 10/11 (Matemáticas)

5º: 9/28 (Lectura) + 10/10 (Matemáticas)


Es muy importante que todos los estudiantes están en escuela estos días para sus exámenes. Por favor, trata de evitar programar citas durante estas fechas y tiempos. Gracias! 

Para aprender mas sobre MAP, visite: 

Si tienes más preguntas, por favor, habla con el maestro de su hijo. Gracias!