January 15 Breakfast and a Book for Grades 3-5 8:30
January 18 No School--Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 19 PTA Meeting 7:00
January 20 Virtual Spelling Bee for Registered Students in 4th and 5th
January 20 Parent Connect 6:30
January 21 Mayfield Woods MS Parent Orientation for Incoming 5th Graders
January 22 Spirit Day--Bring a stuffed animal to virtual classes
January 25 Energy Conservation Week
January 27 Parent Connect 6:30
January 28 End end of Quarter 2 Marking Period
January 29 No school for students--Professional Work Day
February 5 Report Cards Available Online
February 10 Early Dismissal/Parent Teacher Conferences
February 11 Early Dismissal/Parent Teacher Conferences
February 12 No School for Students
Breakfast and a Book--This Morning at 8:30 for Grades 3-5
This month's book is The Hard-Times Jar by Ethel Footman Smothers. Students can listen to the book at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbyoh8X4hOw.
Grade 3 Join Code: B and B 3
Grade 4 Join Code: B and B 4
Grade 5 Join Code: B and B 5
Mayfield Woods MS Parent Orientation for Incoming 5th Graders
La escuela intermedia Mayfield Woods está muy emocionada de dar la bienvenida a los padres de 5º grado a nuestra Noche de Informacion para Padres de 5º Grado. Es el jueves 21 de enero, empezando a las 6:30 de la noche. Este evento es para los padres de los estudiantes que asistirán a Mayfield Woods Middle el prómixo año escolar. Escuche una descripción general del programa de la escuela intermedia GT y las oportunidades de enriquecimiento. Aprenda sobre las clases y el horario de la escuela intermedia. Conozca a algunos de los maestros que trabajarán con sus hijos el próximo año en 6º grado. Este es el primero de varios eventos programados para ayudar con esta gran transición. Esperamos darle la bienvenida. Vamos Bulldogs!!
MAP Assessment Winter Adminisration Grades 1-5
On Wednesday February 3rd and Wednesday February 10th, students in grades 1-5 will take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment online. Typically, Wednesdays are asynchronous learning days for our students so this will be a change to the typical schedule. Teachers will communicate further specifics about the expectations of additional learning and assignments that will need to be completed on these two dates in the coming weeks.
Important Date/Time Information (Mark the calendar!)
February 3rd 9:00 am-11:00 am - MAP Reading Test
Students will take the test in their ELA class using their ELA teacher’s regular meeting code.
February 10th 9:00 am-11:00 am - MAP Math Test
Students will take the test in their Math class using their Math teacher’s regular meeting code.
El examen de MAP viene este otoño
Miércoles, el 3 de febrero y miércoles, el 10 de febrero, estudiantes en grados 1º - 5º tomarán el examen de MAP (Medidas de Progreso Académico) en línea. Durante el aprendizaje virtual, los miércoles se usaban normalmente para completar asignaciones asincronicas. Los maestros comunicarán qué tareas los estudiantes deberán completar.
Use el código de reunión de Google Meet para unirse a su clase de lectura/matemáticas a las 9 de la mañana.
Se realizan los siguientes cambios en el horario del miércoles:
No hay DreamBox hoy
No hay Lexia Core5 hoy
Si, hay asignaciónes de artes relacionadas y ciencias hoy
Fechas y tiempos importantes - marque sus calendarios!
Miércoles, 3 de febrero - Examen de MAP - lectura
Reunir con la clase de lectura en Google Meet usando el mismo código del clase de lectura:
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Miércoles, 10 de febrero - Examen de MAP - matemáticas
Reunir con la clase de matemáticas en Google Meet usando el mismo código del clase de matemáticas:
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
January Parent Connect
The Howard County Public School System is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Preventing bullying is an important part of this goal and HCPSS recently launched a new bullying reporting tool that allows students, staff and family members to easily and confidentially report incidents of bullying.
The new form replaces a third-party reporting system that has been in place for several years. It is mobile-friendly, accessible to all users, better aligns to the State’s reporting requirements, and seamlessly integrates with other HCPSS systems, which will provide greater efficiency for school administrators and reduce the potential for human error. The new tool was developed with input from students, parents, school administrators and other staff, and community members. Additionally, HCPSS staff collaborated closely with the Howard County Police Department and the Howard County State’s Attorney’s Office to review and clarify our procedures for reporting and the investigation of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment and intimidation, and to discuss shared roles and responsibilities.
If you or your child is being bullied, please refer to the Student & Parent Handbook and be sure to complete our new reporting form.
Telemedicine During Virtual Learning
On January 4, the School Based Wellness Centers (SBWC) Telemedicine Program will be reopening. The program will focus on children who do not have health insurance and/or a medical provider. Since the children and students are in their homes, we will not have the use of the telemedicine carts and will be unable to examine ears or perform throat cultures. Parents and guardians may call our office or send an email and program staff will determine if the health complaint can be safely evaluated and if not, assist them in finding a medical provider to see the child in person. There will be no charge for any of the SBWC Telemedicine visits. However, children must be enrolled or willing to enroll in the SBWC Program.